Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In the airport 3

Carter:Are there any more bags from Flight 405?
Attendant 1:No, they've all come out. Not yours, huh?
Carter:Nope. Where do I report a lost bag?
Attendant 1:Just over there where it says "Lost Baggage Claim."
Carter:Thanks. I'd like to report my bag lost.
Attendant 2:Fill out this form. Your contact number in the city... okay. We'll contact you when we have it and send it to you by cab.
Carter:Thank you.
Attendant 2:Mr. Heart! Your bag arrived on a different flight about three hours ago. Is this yours?
Carter:Yes, it is. Thanks.
Attendant 2:You're welcome.
Customs Officer:Do you have anything to declare?
Carter:No, I don't.
Customs Officer:Has anyone asked you to carry anything for them today?
Carter:No, no one.
Customs Officer:Have you agreed to carry anything for anyone today?
Carter:No, sir.
Customs Officer:Go right ahead. Have a good day.

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