Wednesday, April 2, 2008

4/2 HW Your Profile

Please do your assignment on one page A4 paper. The first assignment is due on April 9th.

Reveiw the two profiles of James Turner and Monique Bresson on page 8, and write a profile of your own by using a third person voice (he or she) and answering the following questions.

  1. Who is s/he? His/her name?
  2. Where does s/he live? Where did s/he grow up?
  3. What is his/her profession?Where does s/he work?
  4. How long has she/he worked in his/her profession (TRADE-VAN Information Services Co.)?
  5. What are her/his leisure activities? What kind things does s/he enjoy?

Alice Chen grew up in Taipei, but she spent nearly 7 years studying, working, and traveling in Southern California alone. She has been teaching English as a foreign /second language since1993. Upon her return, she is currently teaching at National Taiwan University Science and Technology, and SooChow University. In addition to teaching at colleges, she also takes part of teacher training workshops at high schools for Nani publisher. When she taught at Long Beach College in the states, it’s been her highlight of her life time. Outside of the classroom, nearly all her attention and energy are poured into her hobbies. She enjoys taking pictures, watching movies, reading books, working out, especially traveling and have been lucky enough to have visited Mexico, Japan, Europe- Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium and south Asian-Bali island, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, and Malaysia (check out her album ).....She can't wait to the next trip.

If you have any questions about this assignment, please feel free to leave a comment in the blog.


Unknown said...

Dear teacher:
I am your Trade-Van's student.
According to your profile,I guessed you were born in 1968~1970.
IF it is truth,you look so young not same your age.(You cannot be angry I to ask like this!)


M.R.Alice said...

Hi Ken
Thank you for your concern..
Well…you know, I'm not mad or anything but I’d rather keep that information.
Your great attitude is very much appreciated in the class.
I'm so glad to have you in this class with us.